Discover How To Become The INTENTIONAL CULTIVATOR of Your Life so You can Finally be More Present, Happier and in Control of Your Future. 

...this year ditch the New Years Resolutions and instead learn this life-altering process to create a powerful LIFE VISION for 2021 and beyond!

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If you are tired of living your life on auto-pilot, are wanting to be more present, and needing clarity on which direction to take next in life; then you need to learn how to create your Life Vision for 2021 with this live interactive 5 day workshop... ABSOLUTELY FREE!  

In this 5 Day Challenge you will discover: 

↠ The exact 5-step process to create Identity Based Intentions that make you feel empowered and aligned rather than frustrated and defeated.

↠ How to set intentions that are aligned with WHO you want to be and HOW you want to show up each day. 

↠ Why SMART goals aren’t enough to make lasting change and why you need to embrace Identity based intentions instead. 

↠ The #1 strategy I discovered that allowed me to make continuous small steps that supported me in getting aligned with who I really want to be and my purpose (and you can replicate the exact process too)! 

Discover how to Create Your Life Vision for 2021

About Lora

Lora Devries' mission is to help create a world where everyone embraces an intentional lifestyle so they can live more present, happier and emotionally healthy lives while teaching the coming generations how to have better coping skills, less mental health struggles, and the skills they need to live conscious, prosperous, happier and healthier lives.

She combines years of social work with her passion for neuroscience and energy studies to help others unlock the power of their minds so they can be more present and own the power they have within.

Coming from a place of love, empathy and compassion she is able to give you the gentle kick in the pants you need to help get you unstuck and begin owning the amazing power you have within yourself.

Lora Devries Mindset