How to Make a Decision With Confidence

intentional living May 25, 2020
how to make a decision with confidence

Decisions Decoded: Mastering the Art of Making Life's Big Choices


Do you struggle with making decisions?

Don’t worry, you are not alone. 

Making a major life decision can be intimidating at the best of times. 

It is normal to feel overwhelmed when making a big life decision because decision making is a process. Especially for big life decisions that will have a significant impact on your life. 


I used to have the HARDEST time making decisions in my life. When it came to making a choice on simple things from what I wanted to eat for dinner, watch on Netflix, to bigger life decisions like leaving a toxic relationship, a job I hated, or investing in a course. 

Depending on the decision I was making, I would sit and stew on my decision.


...For hours…days…weeks….years…. 


Often feeling the most confused, uncertain and stressed out during those times of limbo. 


Sitting in uncertainty is emotionally and mentally exhausting. 


When we continue to stay in uncertainty surrounding a decision we know we must make, it affects all of our Being: Our physical being, mental being, emotional being, our energetic being and often our sanity. 


If you are reading this, you probably know the feeling…. 

  • The back and forths, the pros and cons, the “what ifs”.  
  • Fear clouding your thoughts as soon as you begin to think of changing something. 
  • Pondering that old saying “better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t”.
  • Truly wondering if staying in your current situation is just easier than risking a different situation. 
  • Fearful of being pushed outside your comfort zone, yet feeling a spark deep inside you that this may just be the best decision of your life. 


There is no shame if you are feeling this right now as you read this. 


That is why I made this post, so many of my readers expressed difficulty in making major life decisions. 

Humans are creatures of habit. We like to know what is coming. We like our routines and we like to feel safe. Even if we know in our hearts we need to make a change, often our desire to be comfortable overrides this and we just stay stuck. 


Working in the mental health field for over 11 years as a social worker, I have worked with thousands of people navigating life transitions. I have worked with many different decision making models and have found the most helpful in my personal and professional life is a framework for decision making that takes into account our logical left brain, our intuitive right brain and our HEART. The decision making model I share below is a combination of different decision making types, which I won’t go into in this post… but you can learn more about the different types here.


In this blog post I am going to share my signature HEARTS Intuitive Decision Making Model to  provide you with some decision making support. This decision making model is both intuitive and logical. 


It is perfect for the person who is willing to do the foundational work in deepening their self-awareness and who is ready to move from the stagnant into the sublime. 


Because, with the right model for decision making you will be able to increase your decision making skills and feel more confident in making a well informed and intuitive decision for the next phase of your life - whatever that may be. 

Remember, making a decision, especially a big life decision is a process and sometimes it can feel scary and stressful. 


 So before you begin, show yourself some self-compassion. Know you are not alone in what you are feeling and know that others have been in similar situations at one point or another, and made it out on the other side. . 


Often, admitting to yourself that you have to make a decision is the scariest part. 


So give yourself credit. Because if you are here reading this, that means you are ready for the next step. So now let’s figure out how to give you some tools in decision making so you can take the next step and make the decision!



Why Can’t I Make a Decision?

Often being indecisive is due to a variety of reasons:

  • Lack in trust in your intuition: deep down your heart usually knows the path you need to take, however you may not trust your intuition due to past experiences or not being connected to those gentle nudges our hearts give us.    


  • Lack of confidence in yourself: You may not believe you are capable of making the “right” decision for yourself. This comes from your own self-limiting beliefs and experiences. Toxic relationships, bullying, difficult childhoods, self esteem issues all contribute to the lens we view ourselves through. 


  • Fear of making the “wrong” decision: Often the fear of making the wrong decision is so strong in us that we never make the decision period. However there is no “wrong” decision. Whatever you decide was the BEST decision for YOU in that moment. 


  • You may not want to take responsibility: I know this sounds harsh. But I know this one because I did it for years. By making a decision for your life you are stepping into your power and owning whatever comes from it and it is scary AF. It is often easier to blame someone else for a decision when they made it versus taking ownership. However in reality, you not making a decision and letting someone else make a decision - is your decision. We are all adults and responsible for either making the decision or going along with a decision. 

Why You Need to Start Making Decisions

If you are feeling stuck in life or at a crossroads and your heart has been telling you for some time you need to get off the fence and make a decision about something in your life, then take the leap, empower yourself and make the decision. 


Making life decisions is scary. There is no getting around it.  Once you accept this and understand that all humans feel this - it helps you know you are not alone and if others have done it, so can you!  

Sitting in limbo in that feeling of “should I or should I not” is not healthy. 


By making a decision you are empowering yourself. Owning your power within and beginning to create the life you desire. Taking you one more step closer to your dream life. 


You know you best and what you need in life. Do not let other people run your life. On your deathbed, do you want to look back and regret not making a decision- staying stuck, unhappy and unfulfilled? 


You do not want to be a prisoner of indecisiveness. Living in the uncertainty and stress of not making a decision is NOT living. Make a decision. Own your decision and I promise you will come out stronger, happier and in a place of peace than living in the tumultuous waters of indecisiveness. 




10 Tips to Help You Make a Big Life Decision

Decision making is a process. IF you are not in a ‘rush’ to make your decision, give yourself time to sit, reflect and really figure out what you want. 

I am big on intentionality.  When you are able to bring intentionality to your decision making process, align it with the stuff in life that really matters to you, then you will have a lot easier time making a decision and trusting your intuition. 


Below are 10 Tips to help you uplevel your skills in decision making!

1. Start practicing making smaller decisions 

Do you scroll through netflix for like 20 minutes before picking a movie? Or talk to your spouse for 30 minutes when trying to decide what to eat for dinner? Make a mental note that you will give yourself a certain amount of time 5-10 minutes for these smaller decisions and practice making them. Listening to what your gut/intuition says and just making the decision. Not overthinking, analyzing or stressing over it. This helps to build your confidence and start trusting your intuition to make bigger decisions. 


 2. Don’t overthink EVERY scenario 

It is impossible to predict outcomes and often our minds are able to make up far more scary realities than what will happen.  So often we immediately go to worst case scenarios and “what if’s” in our head. Instead of fretting over the “what if’s” change your language to “I can handle if….” This was a powerful method I used to shift my thoughts around the “what if’s” which I still use today. Remember you are so much stronger than you know. 


3. Name your fears

Often we get so paralyzed in making a decision because of our fears and “what if’s”. By asking yourself “what is the worst that can happen?” then asking yourself "if that happens then what?" And then asking yourself, "if that happens then what?" you are whittling your fears down and taking away their power over your. As mentioned above so often we let our mind wander down the rabbit hole of fear, that we make it seem way worse than it will be. Start ‘calling out your fears’ and taking their power away.  


4. Forget the ‘shoulds’ 

Are you letting other people’s thoughts, judgments or opinions cloud your decision?  Quit thinking about what everyone else will think. What do you want? This is your life. Not theirs. Quit living life on someone else's terms and start living life on your own. The people who love you and support you are the ones you need in your life. The ones who don’t - well you may need to do a little life inventory and see if they are bringing positive or negative energy into your life. Because at the end of the day when you are on your deathbed, you are not justifying your life to them, but to yourself.  


5. Ask yourself what will happen if you do NOT make a decision

If you do not make a decision what will your life look like? Are you okay with that? Really dig deep and allow yourself to explore what your life would look like if you do not make this decision. Suzy Welch a business writer for  O Magazine, talks about the 10/10/10 question when making a decision. Ask yourself:  How will you feel about it 10 minutes from now? How about 10 months from now? How about 10 years from now? Do this for if you do or do not make the decision…. It helps to re-frame your thinking. 


6. Think of a time when you made a difficult decision in the past and it turned out to be a great decision

There are so many times in life where we made a decision that we were nervous about and it turned out great. I left a high paying government job, moved to the island of my dreams and my family thought I was crazy. It was one of the scariest decisions I ever made and I remember sitting in indecisiveness for months over it. After I moved, I vividly remember bawling as I unpacked my new apartment wondering what the F I just did. But looking back, even though there was uncertainty and fear,  it was the BEST decision I have ever made for myself and my family.  Yes there were some struggles, some times of uncertainty and fear, but that is the beauty in growth, in living your life aligned with what you want and living your truth.  


7. Ask yourself the miracle question

I know it sounds corny, but this is a therapeutic tool we use in social work all the time. If you waved a magic wand and tomorrow you woke up and were living your dream life - what would it look like? A loving, respectful relationship? A career that makes your heart soar? A life of travel and adventure? Then - looking at your decision you are wanting to make at this moment, ask yourself : Is making this decision getting me closer to that life?


8. Create Your Life Vision

What is a life vision…. Oh my friend.. It is my most favourite  personal development tool that EVERYONE needs to have. In a nutshell, a life vision is a detailed ‘end destination’ of how you want to live your life, what you want to achieve and what your definition of ‘happiness is’. It is a FUNDAMENTAL piece to creating a life you love. I don't go into life visioning in this post - however if you want to learn more about creating a visioning statemen along with examples of personal vision statement; check out my Life Visioning Guide Here


9. Start setting intentions for your life

If you are still feeling super stuck and not quite ready to make that decision just yet - or have no clue what you want in life (no shame, I have been there!) then perhaps you need some more intentionality in your life to help you figure it out!. By setting intentions for your life you are clarifying how you want to show up everyday, how you want to live your life and what you want your life to look like. By understanding the values you possess and the life you truly want to live, will provide you with clarity in making decisions that are aligned with where you want to go. If you are new to setting intentions and need a place to start - check out this free 5 step process to set intentions for your life. 


10. Once you make the decision, own it. 

Own your truth by owning your decision. It is empowering. It is scary. And it is oh-so-worth-it. Whether you decide to stay, to leave, to quit the job, take the job, to move, to go back to school…. Whatever you decide own it. You made the best possible decision with the information you had and you have empowered yourself to live life on your terms. 

Remember, decision making is a process…Show yourself self compassion, take the time, do the work and you will build your decision making intuition and confidence. 

Model for Decision Making 


If you are seeking a framework for decision making and are ready to get out of the murky waters of indecisiveness, then I want to share my framework for decision making - specifically when it comes to big life decisions. 


Although there are great tips and tricks online about how to make an important decision, I found many decision making models to be so business oriented (and bland) and lacked the logic and heart connection - especially when making big life decisions. 


In addition I found a lack of practical resources to help people walk through the process with decision making examples. And I am all for examples. 


This is why I created The HEARTS Decision Making Method to help others have a decision making tool if they are at a crossroads and need to get clarity on what path to take next.  This intuitive decision making model is best used when needing to make a major personal life decision. 


I am a big advocate for self-awareness. I am often surprised how little people invest into knowing themselves better because investing in ourselves, in our self-awareness is the best gift we can give ourselves and our future generations.  


So before we jump into the model for decision making, I wanted to provide a disclaimer. 

DISCLAIMER: This decision making model takes some time to complete, It requires you to put time and energy into yourself… and what you want your life to look like. If you devote yourself to this process, you will not only figure out the decision to any major life decision you have, but you will also be laying some massive foundational skills into your emotional health toolkit. WIN - WIN! Making big life decisions can be a transformative and empowering process. By following these steps, you can navigate through uncertainty, gain clarity, and make choices that align with your values and aspirations. Embrace the journey of decision-making, knowing that every choice holds the potential to shape your life in remarkable ways. Trust yourself, be open to growth, and embrace the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

Take what you want from this, I hope this framework for decision making helps you in your decision making journey.


HEARTS Intuitive Decision Making Model for big life decisions


Step One: Hone in on the Problem

The first step in the decision making process is to hone in on the problem and write it down. Get really clear on the decision you are making. Why? Well often we can get clouded by more micro decisions versus looking at the core of the problem we want to solve. 


Ask yourself: What is the core decision I need to make right now? What are my options if I make decision A or decision B? 


Step Two: Explore Your Core Value

Knowing your Core Values is the FOUNDATION to self-awareness and creating the life you desire. Your core values are our deepest rooted values in which we live our lives. Your core values are the foundation of who you are, and ground you in who you are at your essence. Your core values keep you present in the moment and provide an anchor for your future. If you are not confident in knowing your top 3-5 life core values then check out my FREE Core Values WorksSheet.  

Once you know your core values, then you want to ask yourself how your decision aligns with your personal core values.


ASK YOURSELF:  Does making this decision align with the essence of who you are and what you value? Will NOT making this decision move you further from your core values?  You can see in the decision making examples below on how I do this. 


Step Three: Align with your Life Vision 

Now that you have anchored your decision through exploration of your core values, it is now time to align it with the vision you have for your life. What is a life vision you ask? Well, I go deep into this topic here.


The 2 core FOUNDATIONAL pieces of self awareness and creating the life you desire is grounding yourself in your core values and aligning yourself with your life vision. 

In every decision I make, I first ground/anchor in by checking with my core values to align the decision with my current self. Then I check in with my Life Vision and ask myself how the outcome of this decision will impact the future version of me. 


Ask yourself: how does this decision impact the future vision for yourself? For your life? 

Is it getting me closer to my dream life? Or further away from it? *please note, you do not have to have your life vision perfect before making your decision…. But it is important to have an idea of what you want your next decade or 2 to look like and make sure that this decision lines up with that future version of yourself.  


Step 4: Reflect from your heart

The scientific evidence of the power of our heart is only growing. It is an epically exciting field of study that I love to geek out on. HeartMath, the leading visionary on the power of the heart explains to us that science is unveiling that the heart has A LOT more effect on our brain than first thought. 


Connecting with our heart and engaging in HeartMath’s Quick Coherence® Technique allows you to tune into your intuition and gain the deeper” knowing of what you want to do. 


So to not check in with our hearts in the decision making process is a massive gap in making a decision with confidence and intuition. 


Mel Robbins, A Guru in the wellness field, has a great 2 minute video which speaks about the power of going inward as we grossly under utilize the intelligence of our heart. Definitely worth the 2 minute watch. 


Ask Yourself: 

First….Take a few deep breaths. Think of the decision you have to make. Picture breathing in and out of your heart and ask yourself if this decision will expand you or shrink you. 

Another option to connect with your heart is imagining you have made the decision and you are on the other side…. Do you feel more powerful or less? Do you have more energy (LINK)  or less energy? Are you feeling more aliveness or less aliveness? 


If all your answers are leading to more expansion, lightness and aliveness then the answer is yes. 


If all your answers are leaving you to shrink, feeling like you have less power, more heaviness, less aliveness then your answer is no. 

Step 5: Trust Your Intellect / Reasoning…Logic

Although I wholeheartedly agree with Mel Robbins video on decision making  (LINK) and 100% appreciate her take on going inward, for some of our bigger life decisions, we may also want to weigh out where we exactly are in our life and the logistics of it.


Because in reality, many of us perhaps deep down KNOW we should pick the decision that will expand our lives… However, we may need to hash out some of the logistics  to suit our unique, individual situations and not fall into irrational decision making. . 


That is why I also appreciate Jim Kwik’s video here explaining the 7 hats to wear when making a decision.


It provides you the opportunity to also run your decision making process through another screen to feel not make a rash decision and feel more confident in the decision you make. 


Combining this with the FOUNDATION of knowing your core values, knowing your life vision it makes making a difficult decision with more confidence and personal alignment with who you are, where you are now and where you want to go. 


Ask Yourself:

Take an honest look at your life, where you are in it, what is going on…. Ask yourself can you commit to the decision, do you have a plan to afford it? Does it work for you and your family right now?  If it is not the right moment right now,  what is the one thing I can do today that will have the most impact? See my example #2 below for how I worked through this as an example. What resources might be required for pursuing this?


Step 6: Select Your Path


Now it is time to take a big breath, commit to all the inner work you have done above (which by the way is going to serve you for the rest of your life) and make the decision you need to make. 


And flip the page to your next chapter - the one you are consciously choosing to write! 


Remember, change can always be a little scary, but be proud of yourself as often the most difficult decisions we make are the most rewarding.

You’re only one decision away from a totally different life - Mel Robbins



Examples for Decision Making


I always appreciate learning a new framework, but sometimes it is hard to ‘put it into practice’ this is why below I have shared some examples for decision making which I applied to my own life. 


The first - Investing in a health and wellness program

The Second - deciding if I should leave my 9-5 Job and go full time on my business. 


I hope these personal examples help you move through the process with your own decision you have to make. 


Again, this is a heart-centered model that works for me. Give yourself grace when going through it, especially if you are new to knowing your core values and life vision… because remember decision making is a process. Although this framework for decision making will eventually help you make decisions faster, it may take some practice the first few times. So give yourself the space and time. You deserve it. 

Example for Decision Making #1: Investing in my Health via the Wildfit Program


In the summer of 2023 I was at an all time low point for my health. I was eating like shit, was carrying around an extra 50-70lns, was getting sick ALL. THE. TIME., had no energy, and was really just in a negative space with my health. 


At this time, I serendipitously stumbled across Wildfit. After researching the program I knew it was for me…. but I was at a crossroads. I was nervous as heck to invest so much money into ANOTHER health program with a deep rooted fear I would just fail again. 


So I brought it though my Intuitive Decision Making Process: 


Step 1: HONE IN ON THE DECISION: Should I invest in Wildfit or not? 


Step 2: EXPLORE YOUR CORE VALUES How does this decision align with my core values? My core values are: Integrity, Family, Curiosity, Intentionality, Health and Wealth. How this aligns/related to the decision: 

  • Integrity: I value myself for living with integrity. One way of living in integrity is not only to other people but to myself. Would improving my health, devoting myself to myself be living in integrity = YES
  • Family: I want to live a long life and be there for my family. I want to teach my girls how to fuel their bodies and be a healthy role model to them. I want to infuse healthy living into their lives from a young age, so they can escape the diet culture I was raised in. Would investing in Wildfit give me the tools to teach + role model healthy living to my family? = YES
  • Curiosity: I LOVE learning. Investing in myself, staying curious and continuing to expand my mind lights me up. Would investing in a program that teaches me about health consciousness, the food industry and how to break free from the BS we have been taught be something new? Something exciting? Something that would add value to my life? = HECK YES
  • Intentionality: I live my life with intention. I am very intentional about how I spend my time, my energy and my focus. Would completing this program add more value to my life? Would it allow me to reach my life vision of being ‘sustainably’ healthy (ie- getting off the yo-yo weight game?) = YES
  • Health: Would this improve my health, longevity and life? = easy, YES
  • Wealth: Would this assist me in being more wealthy in life? My energy is so low as I am not taking care of my physical body… allowing me less time for my business as I am constantly sick, tired, or unable to focus due to the poor nutrition I have in my life. Would investing in Wilfit make me weather in the long run = YES



Now that I have grounded and anchored myself in my core values and determined that yes, overall, this decision would be in total alignment with my core values, then I look out to my life vision  for myself to see if this decision is aligned with my future self. 


Side Note: Now, if you don;t have a life vision, I highly recommend getting one. There are multiple ways of doing this…. If you are total newbie to this, I suggest going small…. You can check out my life visioning post here for more information as a starting point!  The main thing is that you want to at least have an overall vision for what your life looks like. Because if you do not have a destination for your life… you are going to be spending a lot of time driving around in circles.  If you want to do a total deep dive into this, I highly recommend LIFEBOOK from Mindvalley. This is definitely more of an investment, but for the person who already has a vision but wants to go deeper - this is the course for you. 


Looking at my own life vision, one key aspects of it is surrounding my health and being the role model for my Girls on what fueling our bodies actually look like. My vision is to have a long and healthy life. To be active while my girls are growing up. To have the energy to play with them. To live to see them become Mothers (if that is what they want one day). My dream is to live a long healthspan.


So in terms of making the decision to invest in WildFit, just doing these two things - anchoring in my core values + projecting into my future vision helped me to Say an easy yes. I could have stopped there… but being a Type A personality I wanted to really make sure it was the right decision, and  whenever someone needs to invest money in something - that is also a big decision. I get it. Living on a budget is not easy. 



- This is as simple as taking some un-interrupted time to do some heart-centered breathing vai HeartMath’s Quick Coherence® Technique and asking yourself if making the decision will add value and spaciousness into your life, or will it depleted you and make you shrink. For this investment, I knew if I committed, it would have a significant impact on my life and provide massive expansion. 



Take an honest look at your life, where you are in it, what is going on…. Ask yourself can you commit to the decision, do you have a plan to afford it? Does it work for you and your family right now. When deciding to invest in WildFit, although it would stretch our budget and I would go into a bit of debt until paying it off, I knew the long term effects of me being constantly sick, overweight and on this yo-yo path to being pre-diabetic would cost a hell of a lot more down the road. ALso I was ready. In my soul…. I was ready to break the constant diet-cycle. It was still going to be hard, but on the logical side of things, I could make it work. 


Side note for anyone who is hesitant to invest in their self-development: I used to struggle so much when investing money in myself. I had to do A LOT of money belief work around this to help me unleash my beliefs around money to finally be able to invest in myself without the guilt. 


Was I nervous to spend the $1000, yes… of course. However the transformation is in the transaction. When we invest something into the game - aka - money - it fuels us more to succeed. As we have skin in the game. No one wants to see their money go to waste. And I sure know that when I invested my money into Wildfit, there was no way I was going to let it go up in smoke…. Want to see how I am doing on my Wilfit Journey? Check out my post here 



Invest in Wildfit and my health  or not invest in Wildfit and be in the same place next year, or worse? 

Decision: Invest in myself. Devote myself to the process. 



 Decision Making Example # 2 for Career: 


Step 1: Hone in on the decision: Do I leave my job to focus 100% on my business? 


Step 2: Explore Core Values

  • Integrity: I feel as though I am not living in integrity. Yes I show up and do my job to the best of my ability, but my heart is not in it. I am lacking passion. Feeling resentful and really just not putting in the type of energy I want to. The work drains me versus lights me up. I resent the bureaucratic system and feel like I cannot make the change I want to in the box I am in. = Yes leaving job would align with this value
  • Family: I want to be a role model to the girls. They can do anything, but I also have to be fiscally responsible and have some sort of action plan in place. The risk now involves a lot more now that I have a mortgage, kids, etc. Leaving my job with no income would be a risk. AM I willing to take this now, or later? = this is aligned, but complex…. 
  • Curiosity: I am bored at work. I am trying to find new learnings in it but it is not where my curiosity lies. I can fulfill this value via my outside endeavors (online education, podcasts, etc). I understand that my job does not need to fill every jar, but curiosity is a BIG value for me and my job is not meeting it. = leaving, getting something new is aligned with my core values, but again this is not something that has to be done this second. 
  • Intentionality: Am I spending my days with intention? Yes and no. Would leaving make me more intentional. Yes it would…as my energy would be focused on my business.  I would be living with more intention, filtering my energy into projects that light me up. 
  • Health: Would this improve my health, longevity and life? = potentially… pros and cons to both saying and leaving. However overall, yes leaving my 9-5, the stress, the commute, the dis-alignment with my passion would be beneficial to my health in the long run. 
  • Wealth: Would this assist me in being more wealthy in life? Potentially. I currently make good money in my 9-5. It provides the stability I require at this phase in life, however this current position I am capped at what I can make. Leaving would make more money in the future, if I commit and devote myself to learning everything I can about running a successful online business that works within our family framework. 

Step 3: Align with Life Vision:  In alignment with Life Vision = Easy Yes… my dream is to run my own online business impacting the way we view emotional health in our world. I want to be a thought leader on emotional health and wellness, to provide immense value that make our world a better place…. However, I am also aware of my personal situation and factors that impact this decision. 


Step 4: Reflect from your Heart. 

After some heart centered breathing and questions I know the decision of running my business full time would be a massive expansion in my life (working from home, more time freedom, creating life on my terms)... 


Step 5: Trust Your Intellect: :At this point in our lives (in the throes of young parenthood, mortgage, limited family support, and at times survival mode), losing the security of my 9-5 paycheque would add A LOT of stress on me, my husband, our relationship and fiances. I need to create more consistent income on my side hustle before taking this leap - as at this exact time in my life, it will cause more stress… instead, I need to focus on continuing to build my business and bring in sustainable and consistent income. 


Step 6: Select Your Path:

Stay in my career or leave to make my own online business. 

Decision: stay in my career, continue to build my business on the side - re-evaluate in 6 months time. 


As you can see this decision is not so clear. Leaving a career to focus on your online business is a big decision. One that cannot be taken lightly. As mentioned above, decision making is a process. You have to look at all the pieces of the puzzle, weigh it out against certain unique situations in your life and make the best decision you can make at the time being for you. 

You may ask however, well your heart said yes… as per some of the major gurus…you should just say yes…. And although I wish making a massive life decision was that easy, it unfortunately is not always that easy. 


Again at the time of writing this, I decided not to leave my career - or look for a different career. 




Because at the end of the day, I am in a period of life where my children are young. I value being a present, intentional parent to them. Realistically, leaving my 9-5 in this exact moment of life would cause more stress than not, thus taking away from my intentionality with my children. In addition, we have astronomical daycare costs, I do not want to be a homeschooling Mother,I have the stable consistent income, I have a hybrid work arrangement that works for our family, I have the medical benefits and to be honest, I could not take on the additional mental load of running my own business…… YET. 


It does not mean that my goal is to still not leave my 9-5. Far from it…. It is just not in the cards for me at the time of writing this. 


So my decision: 

Stay at my current position that I know… that I can do easily and saves some mental load of learning a new career and continue to chip away at my business on the side. Focus on putting systems and strategies in place to make my workflow for my passion project easier. Focus on putting out consistent content so I can build myself up as a thought leader. Trust the process and that I am exactly where I am meant to be at this time in my life and keep taking those intentional steps everyday towards my goal of leaving my 9-5. Re-evaluate in next 6 months or if any drastic changes happen at work). 


Tabling it for another time to look at decision. 


I hope these decision making examples helps you to make a decision. Although I cannot make a decision for you, only you can do that, I do hope this helps. 


The more you flex your decision making muscle, grounding it in both your intuition and your logical mind you will continue to gain confidence in making decisions moving forward. 


Did this help? Let me know in the comments, or send me a message.




Making big life decisions is scary. Especially around relationships, careers and locations. They are the big three that so many of us come across at one point or another in your life. The key is to look at your options and not make a decision on impulse, but rather a decision aligned with your truth. Believe that no matter what the decision you make it is the right one for you at this time in your life journey.

Trust your decision making intuition

Respect yourself enough to make decisions for your life.

No one is going to do this work for you. I know it can feel overwhelming, so take it step by step. 

Continue to take action. 

Continue to enhance your self-awareness. 

Focus on what you can control in your life (ie- your choices and decisions), take responsibility for your next chapter. Live in the present (the messiness/scariness of making these choices) while aligning it with your ideal vision for your life.

I hope this in depth article on decision making helps you be more confident if you are unable to make a decision. 

Remember, when you make a decision based on your core values and the vision you have for your life, you are continuing to say yes to you. To the life you want to create.

Is there a major life decision you need clarity on making? Do certain fears keep coming up for you? Comment below or send me a DM to let me know. 


Sending positive light, love and strength your way. 


Remember you are so much more powerful than you know. 



Check out this Free Pinterest TV Episode here if you want to dive deeper!  

Want to learn how to create a powerful brain-based vision for your life? Check out my signature "Your Life By Design" framework here. 



Want more resources? Check out some below. 

Want to go deeper?  Amplify Your Life with the following tools:





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Discover how to set intentions that actually work. Grab my FREE identity-based goal setting framework below. 

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